Strategic prayer

  • Revival and growth from 1986 onward – widespread prayer movements, strong evangelical presence in the Church of Uganda and renewal movements in the Catholic Church. These make Uganda one of the most truly Christian nations in the world, with church attendance high and public prayer common, even in government and judicial buildings.
  • Pentecostal and charismatic growth in the last 20 years is remarkable. The fastest- growing churches in Uganda are almost all from this background – from megachurches of 15,000 to house and storefront churches. The spiritual fervour and expectation see transformational effects – in Kampala, crime rates have fallen and it is estimated that more than half the population attend evangelically oriented services.
  • Uganda has worked hard to recover from the devastation of the Amin and Obote years and has made great strides to this effect. Pray for peace both regionally (Congo- DRC, Kenya, Sudan, Horn of Africa) and internally (Lord’s Resistance Army). Pray that the government might exercise its authority with even-handed honesty and a true concern for its own people.
  • Missions vision in the Ugandan Church.A large,strong church that has endured suffering, combined with Uganda’s geographical position next to several needy nations, make mission potential enormous. But this potential is still largely untapped due to lack of awareness and structures. Few Ugandan cross-cultural ministries exist; UEMA (Uganda Evangelical Missions Agency),African Initiative for Mission Service,Here Is Life and Life Ministries Uganda (CCCI) are notable ministries raising the profile of cross-cultural mission sending.Pray for many Ugandans to be called, trained and sent. Kampala Evangelical School of Theology, Africa Bible University, Reformed Theological College, Uganda Christian University and other theological colleges have missions degree programmes.