Strategic prayer

  • Increased numbers of people coming to Christ from other backgrounds. This is shifting from a trickle to a flow as more and more Arabs, South Asians, East Asians and others meet Jesus in a personal way.
  • Large numbers of foreign labourers have a much greater opportunity to hear the gospel in the UAE. Their disillusionment with poor employment conditions opens many to hear the good news. Some expatriate Christians have a vision for evangelising within their own ethnic group and beyond, but training is required.
  • Domestic labourers, in particular, have unique access and witness to their Gulf Arab employers, despite frequently enduring difficult conditions. Pray that their humble witness might lead many to Jesus.
  • Student ministries and IFES in particular are allowed to establish official campus fellowships in a number of universities, including frequent Muslim-Christian dialogue events.
  • Unreached expatriate communities. Iranian (Persian, Baluch), Pakistani/Afghan (Punjabi, Pushtun and Baluch), Bengali, Somali and Sudanese communities all have few if any believers. Pray for them to somehow receive the good news.
  • Expatriate Christians have opportunities for discreet sharing as the nation becomes more open and international. However, arrests, imprisonment and deportation still occur for those who evangelize or distribute Christian literature unwisely. Pray that believers would demonstrate Christ in their words and deeds with discernment and confidence. Pray for the English, Arabic, Urdu, Filipino and Indian language worship groups and congregations in their worship and witness.