Strategic prayer

  • The nation’s racial diversity could also be considered a racial divide. Inter-ethnic harmony is hindered by racially aligned politics and the activities of several extremist minorities among Muslims, Hindus and some “Christians”. Pray that the government may be impartial and fair to all ethnic groups and that the culture of corruption and bribery would be exposed and eliminated. The Church is one of the only structures connected to every community, and therefore has enormous but unrealized potential to bridge the racial divide. Pray that churches would be instruments of reconciliation and demonstrate that all are one in Christ.
  • Christianity is professed by nearly two-thirds of the population, but true disciples faithful to God’s Word are not so common. Many Christians are nominal; many others are polluted by witchcraft, Afro-Spiritist beliefs and Hinduism-influenced worldviews. Family life and morals within the Christian sphere often do not demonstrate the lordship of Christ. Greater theological training – for leaders as well as laity – is needed and a discipleship mentality must be fostered. Thank God for the minority who do live to please God, and pray that purity and passion might be restored across all denominations.