Strategic prayer

  • The growth of the Church in Singapore has been steady and sustained since 1970. Evangelicals in particular increased 20-fold from 1960 to 2010; 1 out of 13 people in Singapore is now evangelical.
  • Coping with affluence. There is the threat that believers mistake riches for spirituality and trade discipleship for wealth management. Many young Christians become inactive once they marry and become enmeshed in the materialistic “rat race” for the “five Cs”: career, cash, car, club and condo.
  • Spiritual pride is a constant temptation for such an influential, affluent Church. The same traits of sophistication and success that draw much of cosmopolitan Singapore to Christianity could be the very things that cripple and undermine it. The poor and working classes (heartlanders) are significantly under-reached and marginalized. Pray for urgent correction to this imbalance. Pray for transformed lives inside and out – for humility, continued brokenness and greater dependence on God.
  • Singapore is now a strategic hub for mission activity and mission sending. Many regard it as the Antioch of Asia. It is a centre of mission administration and sends out hundreds of long-term missionaries and tentmakers.