Strategic prayer

  • Serbia is a nation with a public relations problem. It sees itself as defender of Europe and the Christian faith against Muslim aggression, as misunderstood and betrayed by the rest of Christendom and as victim of a propaganda war. Conversely, much of the world perceives Serbia as a war-mongering, hyper-nationalist power guilty of ethnic cleansing and atrocities, and as a perpetrator of ethnoreligious hatred. Both views have some justification. A long history of victimization by other nations (Turks, Austrians, Germans, Croats and others) has left a legacy of bitterness. Pray for the healing and redemptive transformation of Serbian identity; a mighty work of God is necessary for this to happen.
  • Evangelical believers in Serbia face many difficulties. For new religious groups – such as most evangelicals – the new religion law makes operating very difficult. Non-Serbian Orthodox buildings are increasingly attacked. Evangelicals are often viewed as a sect, even as traitors, by any mono-religious ethnicity. Despite this, newer churches are growing and engaging in many forms of ministry.
  • Leadership training is limited, and poverty hinders the flow of people into ministry.There are now two Bible schools, the Belgrade Bible School (Brethren and Baptist) and the newer Novi Sad Theological College. Also, Project Timothy serves all evangelical churches in leadership and church development.