Strategic prayer

  • Revivals in past centuries, localized revivals of the northeast coast in 1925 and Lewis in the Hebrides in the 1950s – as well as notable missionaries such as David Livingstone, Robert Moffatt, Mary Slessor and Eric Liddell – brought blessing to Scotland and the world. May new revivals and a new wave of God’s servants make a great impact on this land; 27.5% of Scots claimed no religion in the last census.
  • Scotland faces a potent cocktail of social ills. Nearly half of all children are born out of wedlock. Alcohol and drug abuse are high. The country has the inauspicious title of the worst-performing Western European nation, based on economy, employment, health and education. Increasingly, Christian groups are engaging these problems; pray that the transforming impact of the gospel may be evident through loving witness and ministry.
  • Church growth is evident among the non-institutional groups – Pentecostals, Baptists, Brethren and the Salvation Army. Pray for the effective re-evangelization of Scotland.The Aberdeen area has the highest percentage of non-church-goers.