Strategic prayer

  • Qatari believers number but a few. From Arab, Persian and Bantu (former slaves) extraction, Qataris are almost without exception Muslim. Pray that a Qatari church would be birthed and that Qataris at home and abroad would hear about Jesus.
  • Christian impact on society Pray that the many groups of believers among Filipinos, Westerners, Lebanese,Indians, Pakistanis and others may bear fruitful witness to their own communities. Pray also that there might be opportunities to share with non-Christians of all people groups in the country.
  • Media ministry No anti-proselytism laws can prevent the airwaves and Internet from influencing Qatar. Pray that gospel radio (FEBA, IBRA and others),TV (Al Hayat, SAT-7 and others) and Christian websites might penetrate the homes and hearts of those living in Qatar. The programmes of Father Zakaria make a great impact in Qatar and throughout the Arab world. Many Arabic language sites, chat rooms and programmes seem to have a powerful effect.