Strategic prayer

The Quechua and Aymara peoples, descendants of the Incas, are emerging from centuries of oppression, cultural deprivation, grinding poverty and isolation. Quechua was recognized as an official language in 1975.The Quechua Church is flourishing as Christianity at last becomes indigenized in Scriptures, structures, worship and music. Whole villages are turning to Christ. Pray for:

  • Millions of mountain Quechua and Aymara still bound by superstitions of pagan and “Christian” origin. Massive urbanization has seen many drift into the cities; pray for ministry to both urban and rural populations.
  • Bible translation has been a major factor in the Quechuan renaissance and church growth. The Cuzco and Ayacucho languages have the whole Bible.The NT in Huaylas, Lambayeque, Caquinte,Wana, Urarina and Asheninka have all been completed in recent years (UBS, SIL, IEP, IMB); several more translations are underway. Pray for the teams at work and for widespread use of these new resources.
  • The full reconciliation between Quechua- and Spanish-speakers at the foot of the cross, and the full integration of all ethnic groups into national Christian life.