
  • New Zealand as a sending nation consistently commissions a higher ratio of its church members as missionaries than the vast majority of countries. They have an ambitious aim of a sending rate of 1 missionary per 1,000 committed believers.
  • Kiwi society is increasingly post-Christian and secular. Other religions are far less a threat to the Church than basic unbelief.The last 20 years have seen significant proportional decline among Anglicans, Presbyterians, Methodists and, to a lesser extent, Catholics. Those claiming to be non-religious increased from 1.1% in 1951 to 40.9% in 2010.
  • A further outpouring of the Spirit to renew those in churches and to draw in again those who have left. 24/7 prayer rooms and other prayer groups are multiplying throughout the country, indicating that God is indeed stirring the Church.
  • Effective training and discipleship tools that enable all Christians, ministers and laity to connect meaningfully with the unchurched. New bridges to non-believers need to be built.
  • New expressions of church that are dynamic, relational, relevant and culturally appropriate to both the Pakeha (Caucasian) majority and the many minorities.
  • Wisdom for the Church as it comes under increasing pressure from the government to cooperate with other religions.