Strategic prayer

  • Hong Kong’s role within China can potentially be a powerfully redemptive one – financially, socially, culturally and spiritually. There is incredible opportunity to influence the PRC, still taking shape as a 21st Century nation, with the gospel that impacts every area of life. Alternatively, HK could acquiesce to being a mere financial spearhead for the Chinese economic juggernaut, gaining the world but losing its soul. Christians need to play a key role within this framework. Pray for committed and astute individuals and ministries to help shape a biblical worldview for this great nation.
  • The working class and poor underclass - Their lot has generally improved but many still live in desperate and crowded situations without any real hope, material or spiritual. OMF and others do grassroots evangelism among the working class, and many ministries work among the most destitute (work made famous by Jackie Pullinger’s Chasing the Dragon).
  • Immigrants from mainland China, 150 more every day. Their living conditions can be appalling, and they face much discrimination.They are disillusioned, have trouble adjusting and are probably the most responsive segment of society.A number of churches and missions seek to alleviate immigrants’ physical needs and meet their spiritual needs (WVI, OMF, ECF, OM, Mission to New Arrivals). Additionally, around 10,000 mainlanders arrive daily as commuting workers or tourists.This provides an excellent opportunity to share the gospel.
  • The Southeast Asian population, mostly Filipino and Indonesian domestic workers.They are frequently poorly treated and subjected to undignified working conditions and inhumane treatment. Many are believers, but others are very lonely and in need of Christ.
  • The South Asian population, a legacy of British rule. Most are traders (Sindhi, Punjabi, Gujarati), in the security industry (Nepali Gurkhas) or in menial jobs (Pakistanis).
  • The Muslims, who are largely Hui Chinese, Pakistani, Malay, Indonesian and Middle Easterner.