Strategic prayer

  • Finland’s strong Christian tradition and geographical location give it a strategic role in reaching the many peoples in the former Soviet Union. Of particular importance is the impact of ministry-oriented Finnish believers on the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia’s interior, their distant ethnic cousins. The legacy of missionary sending remains strong, even as the Church faces the challenge of stagnation and decline. Finns and their churches are effective at sending out missionaries, especially to the unevangelized world.
  • Humanism, secularism and materialism have strangleholds on most Finns.While the majority (90%) look favourably upon the Church’s social work, only 8% of Finns attend any kind of religious service monthly or more, and only 3% of Lutherans attend weekly. Spirituality has more or less become privatized. Christians may number 84% of the population, but society is effectively a secular one.The last revival occurred during the 1960s.Interest in spiritual things offers some hope, but Islam and fringe religious movements are currently the fastest growing. Pray for a spiritual breakthrough that will cause people to seek the Lord.
  • A new paradigm for the Church is required if it is to grow in Finland. An ultra- modern country such as Finland probably needs some structural reformation in the Church and some new expressions of faith. This is particularly true for the next generation, who are less traditional and more pragmatic about Christian spirituality. Specific issues: a) The many rootless believers who “church-hop” and lack commitment to one fellowship. And many disillusioned believers with genuine faith don’t engage in any fellowship at all. Pray that the Spirit would convict them to integrate more fully into His body. b) The widespread growth of house groups. Some of these groups are planted by Lutheran revival movements, some by other denominations and some are independent of churches altogether. Pray for ways for these groups to integrate themselves into the larger faith scene and to have a profound spiritual impact on the unchurched.