Strategic prayer

  • Evangelicals were but 2.3% of the population in 1960, leaping to 32% in 2010. Some of Latin America’s largest megachurches are found in El Salvador.
  • Rapid social and demographic shifts are changing the face of the country and require prayer and action. Most notable among them are the following:
  • The large numbers of youth involved with the powerful maras.These gangs have attracted up to 70% of young men, partially orphaned by absent fathers. The Church finds that reaching the 15-30 age bracket is particularly difficult with its current methods. New methods must be adopted or an unchurched generation will quickly emerge in El Salvador.
  • The massive megachurches, such as Elim and Tabernáculo Bíblico Bautista, both of which have grown from almost nothing to over 100,000 affiliates in their wider networks. With significant financial and political clout, these cell-based churches have the opportunity to powerfully and positively influence society.
  • The Amerindian population retain many of their cultural values and traits, even though they have largely lost their languages.Their treatment in the 20th Century has been horrific. Pray for effective ministries to begin and for culturally sensitive church planting among them.
  • The 115,000 university students. MUC(IFES) has 35 student groups, reaching most universities and colleges.CCCI also works in El Salvador.Training leaders is the greatest challenge.