Strategic prayer

  1. The Afars - their main territories are in Ethiopia and Eritrea, where there is little witness at present. In Djibouti, the primarily nomadic Afar are increasingly urbanized due to economic pressures. There is no known church among them.
  2. The Somalis are a small branch of the larger populations in Somalia and Ethiopia. The Somalis in Djibouti are a key for the evangelization of their kinsmen across the border.
  3. Arabs, both local and Yemeni, need a specific approach directed to their spiritual needs. There is no work among them, despite possibly being more accessible here than in Yemen.
  4. The ethnic minorities. As a strategic port city, Djibouti attracts foreigners from many lands. Most of these – French, Greek, Pakistani, Senegalese, Indian and others – have little exposure to vibrant Christian witness.