Strategic prayer

  • The sustained and large-scale growth of evangelicals from 2.5% in 1970 to 15% in 2010. One of Latin America’s most effective mission advances was established on this foundation.
  • There is increased cooperative efforts for outreach and mission, despite lingering hesitations on the part of some evangelicals. The Costa Rican Evangelical Alliance, representing the majority of denominations, initiated the programme “Costa Rica Century XXI” to promote the development of churches at every level. Pray for a cutting edge to this vision, and for the leaders of this ambitious programme.
  • Some of the best training options in Latin America. There are 26 Bible schools and seminaries and a very extensive and effective TEE programme (SEAN).
  • National ministries and missions are beginning to blossom as the Costa Rican Church matures and as foreign missions hand over control to nationals.These most often take shape as holistic ministries aimed at helping the poor, the sick, the broken and children at risk. Some exciting partnerships are forming. One example is Christ for the City, whose work has resulted in short-term mission teams sent abroad as well as ministry to the most needy at home.