Strategic prayer

  • The tragedy of 1992-1995 was only the latest in a long cycle of violence plaguing this region. Irreconcilable animosity has burdened Bosnia with two separate mini-states and a presidency rotating among the three main factions, an inefficient and expensive situation that drains up to 50% of the GDP.
  • Evangelical believers have increased significantly but still represent only a miniscule proportion of the population. From three congregations in 1991, there are now about 35. Only evangelicals are effectively bridging the ethnic fault lines. Baptists and Pentecostals predominate, but several other smaller churches are also at work. Baptists run a seminary in Sarajevo, and both Pentecostals and Baptists have Bible schools.An Evangelical Alliance has been founded for Bosnia. Pray for believers and their witness in this divided land. Bosnia is not a spiritually receptive place; pray that many hearts might open to the gospel.
  • Bosniak Muslims are possibly the least evangelized people in Europe. From a mere handful, the number of believers in Jesus has grown to over 500. Islamic mission activities may cause them to be even harder to reach.