Strategic prayer

  • There is great freedom to minister and evangelize in Benin – interaction with both animist and Islamic people groups can occur in an open environment.Thank God for the many opportunities to share the good news through both word and deed. Pray for this openness to continue and for churches and missions to make good use of it while it still exists.
  • Church growth continues across the country. AoG churches in the north and south, SIM-related UEEB churches (Union des Eglises Evangéliques du Bénin) in the north and IMB in the south all see sustained growth. But these are outstripped by a host of younger, African-originated churches that have emerged in the last 25 years. Evangelicals have grown from 50,000 in 1980 to 770,000 in 2010. DAWN and ARCEB (Action for Research and Growth of the Church in Benin) oversaw a study engendering the goal to plant 20,000 congregations by 2020. Pray for endurance that sees every region reached and churches planted among every people in Benin.
  • Most peoples are still considered unreached – only a handful of smaller peoples have a Christian (Catholic) majority. Benin has Africa’s highest percentage of followers of traditional religions and is probably the least evangelized non-Muslim country in Africa.
  • Animism is a powerful force in Benin.Although Christianity is poised to numerically overtake ethnic religions in the near future, far too many Christians have a syncretized, compromised faith that sees them in church on Sunday and consulting the witch doctor during the week. Pray for a revival that purifies the Church and sees Christians honouring God alone. Pray also for many witch doctors to experience the power of Jesus and turn to Him.
  • The Church in Benin is desperate for discipleship.There is a shortfall of trained pastors able to meet the needs of the growing Christian population, nor are there enough new leaders being produced. Developing well-trained, biblically literate and holy-living leaders and disciples will enable the shift from syncretized Church to sanctified bride.