Strategic prayer

  • Pray for the congregations that fled from Nagorno-Karabakh after the September 2023 war. They lost everything, but they have regrouped and are seeing significant growth from fellow refugees who are seeking the hope they see in these believers.
  • Armenia was the world’s first Christian nation and enjoys a great spiritual legacy of more than 1,700 years of Christianity. Pray that Armenian Christians might become sources of light and blessing to the surrounding region; few peoples here have a significant indigenous church. Armenian Christians are only now realizing the blessing of their Christian heritage and the mission responsibility that lies with it. Pray that this movement may grow.
  • Evangelical Christianity has thrived among the Armenian diaspora of up to eight million, with many congregations in the Middle East, North America and elsewhere. Most Armenians retain close links with their homeland even after many generations away. Since 1988, a host of Armenian churches and ministries have given generously and invested in reaching their homeland, with remarkable results. Pray for the world to be blessed through this global people.